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Michael Baudler
(713) 787-1112
PTG holds a contract with the State of Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) as part of the Cooperative Contracts.
DIR – ITSAC Information Technology Staff Augmentation Contract:
Precision Task Group, Inc. offers information technology staff augmentation services (ITSAC) through this contract, specifically: 168 awarded categories of Information Technology labor rates. Jobs for Customers are competitively solicited through DIR in regards to this ITSAC contract. Contracts may be used by state and local government, public education, other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state. Resellers are not available for this ITSAC contract. This contract does have a number of subcontractors, many of which are HUB vendors.
Services and Pricing
How to Order:
Generate a purchase order made payable to Precision Task Group
Must Reference Contract Number DIR-CPO-4588 on the Purchase Order
Fax your order to (713) 781-8912 or email
DIR Cooperative Contracts webpage for ITSAC Contracts
Products or Services Specification